Minha foto
Francisco Fetapi
Full-Stack Developer


My journey as a developer started in 2018 , from then on I went through a lot of experiences that made me a more technically skilled developer.

I will do my best to describe some steps of my process of growth over the years just below:



Started High School

I started my journey in the Management Informatics course at Polytechnic Institute of Administration and Management of Catumbela (IPAG). It was during high school that I had my first contact with Programming.
March - 
over 6 years

First contact with HTML

From a certain someone on Facebook I came to know HTML and woke me up interest. At the time, I even decided to create my own social network.
October - 
over 5 years
I was on vacation and had just gotten my first computer, soon after that I started taking the algorithms course and until today it has been the best decision I ever made in my life, it all started from of that.
December - 
over 5 years